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Turf USA

Artificial Grass Infill: Deodorizer Pet Turf

Artificial Grass Infill: Deodorizer Pet Turf

Regular price $18.90 USD
Regular price $25.00 USD Sale price $18.90 USD
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Zeodorizer Turf Infill, Artificial Turf Infill For Pets
One of the best artificial turf infill for pets, Zeodorizer turf infill is a natural, organic artificial grass infill product that significantly reduces pet urine odors. It is specifically designed for pet applications and can be used in artificial turf, playgrounds, and pet areas. This product is a natural way to provide pet odor removal from artificial grass. It’s federally classified as safe and does not contain crystalline silica.

 Zeodorizer infill contains zeolite, which is a natural, inert, non-toxic substance approved as an absorbent for spills in food processing facilities and complies with federal and state environmental requirements. The zeolite and the method in which it is mined creates a product that traps and neutralizes even more ammonia from pet urine (the ammonia buildup in pet urine is what you typically associate with the smell). Zeolite is a negatively charged honey-combed molecular structure that absorbs liquids and gases like a magnet, preventing the ammonia from forming a gas. This molecular structure holds the ammonia until the sodium ions (Na+) in rainwater release the magnetic ability, which forces the odor-causing bacteria into the ground – ultimately “flushing out” the ammonia smell.

Along with being a necessary element in your synthetic grass installation, Zeodoizer infill also cools the turf’s surface temperature by absorbing heat from the available sunlight, condensing the sunlight, and through evaporation of the water along with transpiration from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere, the result is cooler surface temperatures.

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